About me
First off, i would like to mention that i am not usually this open about my life! But after immersing myself into the online world, i feel comfort in sharing my story in hopes to inspire other individuals that everything is always your choice! Not always your fault - you are in charge of the ship you're steering and only YOU can control which direction it travels.
My favourite things
Training at the gym ✨
Spending an hour out of my day to better my mental and physical health. There is nothing more empowering then seeing yourself become fitter and learning how to be comfortable being on your own. I spent along time waiting for gym buddies to train with and would only go if I had someone with me. But now it's out of my routine if I don't get to the gym and spend time focusing on only myself!
Personal growth
If you don't push yourself to new levels everyday, you will never grow and develop into a better version of yourself. I strongly believe making your brain do things it doesn't want to do, it changes you as a person. Taking no risks will give you no reward - you are only as good as you allow you to be. Your mindset is EVERYTHING. I imagine i am already living my dream life, with my dream home and my future children. Manifest and fate will take you to where you need to be.

Growing up
I left home at the ripe age of 15 - which pushed me into the adult world a lot sooner than i expected. At the time my world was crushed and i was navigating life moving from place to place. I had to start on building my life as early as 16 and i see now that it was a blessing in disguise. It gave me a chance to enter the workforce and really value the things i brought with the money i had earnt.
This gave me the fire in my belly to work as hard as i could and save every dollar i could, as it was never going to be handed to me.
My aspirations
I have always had a passion for marine and wildlife, particularly animal psychology. I got into University and studied 6 years doing my Bachelor of Vetinary & Wildlife Science. In which i have worked researching bottlenose dolphins in Hastings Victoria, volunteered at the local wildlife park and worked 3 jobs at the same time as studying. This absolutely exhausted me. I was so drained and was just a shell of a human. It was all "worth" it once i graduated and could get a fulltime job that allowed me to focus solely on that. Although it is not my dream job working in the science field, as i simply couldn't afford to not be earning sufficient income straight away in the economy we live in. I worked so many jobs so i could save as much as possible, i wanted to buy my own home before i started a family so i didn't have to look for places to live once the landlords decided to get new tenants. I saved and saved and SAVED!
In 2022, my partner (age 23) and myself (age 25) purchased our first home! A little country house that is close enough to work but far enough from the city! It is a renovation job as it is pre 1950's and if you know anything about houses you know a lot needs to be updated. One of those things is putting a toilet inside the house.. YUP! I have an outback toilet. But it is my outhouse toilet and no-one elses.
Goals for this year
My goal is to completely immerse myself into the online space for personal growth, creating and selling digital products alongside my normal 9-5 (until i have fully sustained online income streams). By the end of this year, our home will at least have a toilet INSIDE the house! and when it all goes well, it will become a construction site as we give it a face lift in preparation for starting a family.
Watch this space and hopefully you can learn a thing or two that helps progress your life into the one YOU want!